
更新时间:2024-04-10 08:37:20 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx


How I fund my college education is very important to one's career and future. Most young people in China hope to receive higher education in University. However, the tuition fees of university education are very high.

Some students can hardly afford to pay for college education. In fact, there are many ways to solve the problem first. A person can get financial support from his parents and relatives, which is the most important Second, students can do some part-time jobs during their study.

They can use the money they earn to pay for their tuition. In addition to these two ways, one can borrow money from the bank. This way is more and more popular among the three ways mentioned above.

I think the third way is the most suitable for me, because I come from the countryside, and my family is very poor. My parents can't afford to pay so much money Besides, I don't think the second method is very good, because doing part-time job will definitely deprive me of my study time. This is the most important task when I go to university, and the third way is the best for me.

We are lucky because we have many ways to pay for our tuition. I hope everyone can find the best way for him to continue learning nnmchhttp://translategoglecn/.













Ø 话题举例诚信、乐观、勤奋、坚持、独立、创新思维、人生规划、孝顺父母、尊老爱幼、爱护环境等。

Ø 近15年真题05、0607、08、11、12、13、14、16、17、18


Ø 话题举例:淡忘传统节日、国际文化交流等。

Ø 近15年真题: 20_

Ø 写作思路:略。







It is true that people today are often spending more on special occasions. Some think this is wasteful, while others feel it is positive for inpiduals and communities. Although I can see the other side, I agree more with the latter and will outline my view below.

Admittedly, I believe it could be seen as a waste of money, and perhaps the most obvious reason for this is that it could arguably be spent on more important things. By outlaying too much on items such as decorations and fancy clothes, people may well neglect other areas of their lives, leading to them not only lacking the means to invest in, say, their education, but also potentially landing them in debt. A good example is in China, where it is not uncommon for bridal parties to spend tens of thousands of dollars on wedding receptions, as this can place people in financial difficulty. As such, they might curb their savings, which is why, ultimately, some young couples cannot afford to buy a house.

Despite this, I feel it is positive. One reason for this is that celebrations such as these contribute significantly to the economy. Jing Bing, for example, one of China’s wealthiest men, celebrated his 60th birthday last year in Shanghai, spending a fortune on catering, flowers, fireworks and other forms of entertainment. This, certainly, was beneficial to local businesses. Another is that it is important for our mental and emotional health to celebrate achievements and milestones. When we devote significant time to stressful pursuits such as work, we invariably need to relax and unwind, in turn allowing us to spend quality time with those closest to us. What this can do is help us find an essential work-life balance, and, as a result, I do not see this outlay as a waste.

Overall, I believe, while there are conflicting reasons, money spent on celebrations, even large amounts, is appropriate.



The bar chart below shows the proportions of English men and women of different ages who were living alone in 20_. The pie chart compares the numbers of bedrooms in these one-person households.

Living alone in England by age and gender, 20_

Number of bedrooms in one-person households (England, 20_)







>Step 1: 看一眼题目:好难,后面的内容我还论述吗?

>Step 2: 列一个观点:好像还行,竟然列出来了!

>Step 3: 列第二个观点:等等!没有思路了呀?!还有什么???

>Step 4: 思考ing—走神ing;


为了保证大家雅思考试顺利过关, TD雅思教研组特意为大家良心制作了>雅思写作必背《20_-20_年雅思大作文真题范文集锦》免费下载,助你一举突破瓶颈!


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to explain why I have been unable to return the three books I have out on three-day loan, which are now overdue. After taking the books out on 16th March, I had an urgent phone call from my elderly aunt’s neighbour to say that my aunt had had a fall and had been taken into hospital. I am her only surviving relative in this country(考官想到了一个非常正当的理由,我是我的阿姨最后的亲人,我必须去马上照顾她), so I felt I had to go and see her immediately. I travelled down to Surrey the following morning, thinking I would stay for only two or three days. Unfortunately, my aunt’s condition has only improved very slowly, so I have had to stay here longer than expected. However, the hospital says that if all goes well, she could be able to go home in two or three days’ time, in which case I will be back at the beginning of next week.

Bearing in mind the circumstances, I trust you will kindly waive any fines that may be have accumulated.

Yours sincerely,

Jacky Sun












1.我的微信公众号:学长讲考研 (考研干货已统一发布在公众号,推荐关注~)



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